Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Use Onelogin to connect to Canvas

Tomorrow is a Big Day!  

This will be new to all of us, so we will need to practice patience. 

Canvas login for students will be through OneLogin. Please check out this flyer for how to log in.

Using the Chrome web browser, you may want to install the One login extension.  You can then use this to access Canvas quickly.

We will be meeting through Webex.  You will need to be logged in at the start of the class period. Yes, we are taking attendance (present/tardy/absent)

I look forward to connecting with all of you.
Mrs. Paulazzo

8-11-20 Welcome to AP Government & Politics!


I know there are still a lot of unknowns for us as we are prepping to start the year on Wednesday.  The district has chosen to use the Canvas learning and information system.  As of last night, it is live for teachers.  We will be using Canvas as the main point of communication or this course.  

What this means for you...

Canvas will be a one-stop-shop.  You will not need to have a series of blogs, websites, and classrooms.  Canvas will be where you get announcements, documents, resources, assignments, submit assignments, have class discussions, and connect to Webex. 

So, what that means for our class...

There will no longer be a blog.  This will be replaced with Canvas.  We will no longer be using Google Classroom.  this is replaced with Canvas.  Yes, we will still be using Google drive and the Google suite of apps.

I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday. We got this!

Bitmoji Image

Monday, March 16, 2020

During COVID-19 "Shelter -in-place"

Hello all,
During this time I will not be updating the blog.  
For current students, I will be posting information & activities to Google Classroom. 
I will resume Blog postings in August with the 20-21 school year.  Stay safe, and stay healthy.
Mrs. Paulazzo